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Activities for StudySync Project

Requirements Gathering

  1. Research on React, Firebase, and AI integration will be required for effective development of the StudySync web application.
  2. To understand how these technologies synergize, proof of concept prototypes will be created.
  3. Gathering information about AI algorithms for generating flashcards and quizzes through ChatGPT API is essential.
  4. Investigate different social features implemented in competing apps to enhance user engagement.
  5. Explore hosting solutions: Firebase Hosting.

Top-Level Design

  1. Develop a navigation system for accessing different features like flashcards, quizzes, social sharing, and user settings.
  2. Implement AI-generated flashcards and quizzes, allowing users to learn and test themselves on various topics.
  3. Set up user authentication and profile management using Firebase.
  4. Enable social interaction features, allowing users to share flashcards and compare quiz scores.
  5. Integrate scheduling tools for users to plan their study sessions effectively.

Detailed Design

Flashcard and Quiz Pages:

  • Users can create, view, and interact with AI-generated or custom flashcards and quizzes.
  • Implement search and filter mechanisms for ease of access to specific topics.

Social Sharing and Progress Tracking:

  • Develop features for users to share flashcards and quiz results with peers.
  • Implement a leaderboard system to encourage competition and progress tracking.

User Authentication and Profile Management:

  • Implement secure login, registration, and profile management functionalities.
  • Enable users to customize their learning experience and manage account settings.

Scheduling and Study Planning:

  • Integrate a calendar tool for users to schedule their study sessions and receive reminders.

Backend and Database Integration:

  • Set up Firebase for backend services and data storage.
  • Create APIs for efficient communication between the frontend and the database.

AI Integration for Content Generation:

  • Integrate ChatGPT API for generating educational content dynamically.

Hosting and Deployment:

  • Choose firebase hosting as the solution.

Testing Strategies for Studysync Project

Unit Testing

  • React Frontend: Unit tests will be written using Jest along with React Testing Library. These tests will focus on individual components' functionality and their interactions with the state.
  • Firebase Backend: For backend unit testing, we'll use Firebase's emulator suite and appropriate testing frameworks to simulate database interactions and API responses.

Integration Testing

  • We will use tools like Jest for integration testing to ensure that the React components and Firebase backend work together seamlessly, particularly focusing on data fetching, updating, and user authentication processes.

Acceptance Testing

  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT) will be conducted with select user groups to gather feedback on the app’s usability, AI-generated content quality, and overall user experience.
  • This phase will also include testing the social sharing features, leaderboard functionality, and the effectiveness of the study scheduling system.

Continuous Integration and Deployment

  • We will set up CI/CD pipelines to automate testing and deployment processes. This will include running unit and integration tests on every code commit to ensure code quality and application stability.