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ER Diagram and Table Design

ER Diagram

ER Diagram

Table Design


  • user_id (pk): Unique identifier assigned to each user of the app.
  • username: Represents the user’s chosen display name.
  • password: Encrypted string used for authenticating the user during login.
  • date_joined: Timestamp noting when the user joined or created an account.
  • leaderboard_ranking: The user’s current ranking on the leaderboard.
  • badge: String noting any of the user's earned achievements or medals.


  • pet_id (pk): Unique identifier assigned to each virtual pet in the application.
  • user_id (fk): Foreign key referencing the User table, denoting the owner of the pet.
  • pet_name: Represents the name of the virtual pet.


  • pet_health_info_id (pk): Unique Identifier assigned to each record of pet health.
  • pet_id (fk): Foreign key referencing the PetPal table.
  • pet_health_hungry: String indicating the hunger level of the pet.
  • pet_health_bored: String indicating the pet's boredom status.
  • last_activity: Timestamp of the most recent activity performed by or with the virtual pet.
  • last_recorded_food: String noting the most recent food eaten by the pet.


  • task_id (pk): Unique identifier referencing the specific task the user is completing.
  • task_type: Represents the type of task, such as walking or eating healthy.
  • user_id (fk): Foreign key that references the User table, denoting the user who performed the task.
  • daily_progress: Integer describing the user's daily progress status for completing the corresponding task.


  • physical_id (pk): Unique identifier referencing the specific physical task the user is performing.
  • task_id (fk): Foreign key referencing the Task table.
  • task_type: Represents the type of physical activity task, such as walking or running.
  • steps_taken: Integer noting the number of steps taken during that particular physical activity.
  • calories_burned: Integer representing the number of calories burned during the activity.
  • last_activity: Timestamp of the user's most recent physical activity.
  • recurrence_timer: Timestamp indicating the next scheduled time for a physical activity task.
  • record_breaker: Integer indicating whether the user has surpassed their previous task-related records.


  • nutrition_id (pk): Unique Identifier referencing the specific nutrition task the user is performing.
  • task_id (fk): Foreign key referencing the Task table.
  • task_type: Represents the type of nutrition task, such as eating a healthy snack.
  • last_recorded_food: String noting the most recent food recognized and recorded by the app.
  • count_healthy: Integer noting the number of times healthy food items have been recorded.
  • record_breaker: Integer indicating whether the user has surpassed their previous healthy eating records.
  • recurrence_timer: Timestamp indicating the next scheduled time for the nutrition-related task.
  • count_not_healthy: Integer representing the number of times non-healthy food items have been eaten.