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Acceptance test

Demonstration of all of the functional and non-functional requirements. This can be a combination of automated tests derived from the use-cases (user stories) and manual tests with recorded observation of the results.


See this Google Sheet Blank copy of the manual acceptance tests.


Test IDAction/StepsExpected Result
1Install the extension from the visual studio marketplace(CIS4398)Proper install.
2Sign up for the extension using a temple university registered email address before using the extension.Client signsup and verifies.
3Open the file provided.Opens the file
4Highlight the file and perform a code review.Perform a full code review.
5See the given suggestions and use the quick fix feature to fix the small syntax errors in the code.Fix the syntax errors.
6Run another code review with the fixed code.Perform another code review.
7Go through the check boxes and make a commit once everything is in order.Make a commit after properly using the code review.