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Functional Requirements

  1. Language Learning Discord Bot (will be abbreviated to LLDB going further) will require a Discord account to use.
    • Requirements for making a Discord account include having an email address, and being of 13 years of age or older.
    • Discord can be downloaded onto the computer, or be accessed via the web @
  2. The LLDB will require being in the server with the bot.
    • To accomplish this, one must join a server that hosts the bot or invite the bot into a server of their choosing.
    • LLDB Team will host the bot here @
  3. Communicating with the bot will require an internet connection.
    • A stable connection is necessary for voice input/output; but for learning via text, it is not necessary.
  4. Starting setup for the bot includes just selecting a starter language to begin.
    • This language can be changed at a later date if desired by sending "/changeLanguage".
  5. The full command list for the bot can be viewed by sending "/help" in the chat while the bot is active.
    • Viewing the command list will let you see all possible options to learn with the bot.
  6. To access a vocab quiz with the selected language, prompt the bot by sending "/startVocabQuiz".
    • This will allow the user to select a level to start with; the higher the level number, the more difficult the words will be.
    • For example, level 1 might include "talkative", whereas level 7 might include "gregarious" by comparison.
    • After selecting the level, the bot will generate a practice test for the user to attempt.
  7. To access pronounciation practice, prompt the bot by sending "/startVoiceQuiz".
    • To use this command, one must be in a voice channel on the server.
    • The bot must have permissions to access the voice channel; this can be done by giving the bot the permission or making the voice channel visible to the bot.
    • The bot will join the voice channel and transcribe the user's audio transmission.
    • The user will then be graded on their attempt.
  8. The language leaderboard can be checked by sending "/leaderboard".
    • This will display the current top aggregate scores of all users.
    • These scores are increased when completing vocab and voice quizzes with the highest possible scores.
    • To check an individual's scores across all quizzes, send "/myScores".
    • The leaderboard will be specific to each language; there will be a different leaderboard for each different language.

Nonfunctional Requirements

  1. The LLDB will send notifications to practice.
    • The bot should send periodic notifications to users, reminding them to practice their chosen language.
    • Encouraging messages can be attached to the notifications.
    • Notifications should be sent at appropriate intervals to encourage consistent practice.
  2. The bot can give language-specific responses.
    • The bot's responses should align with the language selected by the user for a more immersive learning experience.
  3. LLDB will implement user-friendly interaction.
    • All commands will have relevant, intuitive names and provide clear instructions
    • The bot will provide feedback so the user is always aware of their current progress
  4. The bot will provide an interactive learning experience.
    • Vocabulary practice, quizzes, and pronunciation exercises should be engaging and interactive.
  5. The bot will employ data persistance to ensure all users can interact with the bot simutanenously
    • User progress data will be securely stored and retrieved for each session.
    • Data backup and recovery mechanisms via external database
    • Session persistence and ensuring that user progress is saved even if the user closes the Discord app or logs out.
    • The bot should keep track of individual user profiles with progress, including lessons completed, quiz scores, and pronunciation scores.