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Unit Tests

Database Component

Method: test_findUser_not_found

  • Purpose: Verify findUser returns None for a non-existent user.
  • Input: 'notfound' (String - non-existent user ID).
  • Input Type: String
  • Expected Result: None.
  • Expected Output Type: None (No user object).

Method: test_findUser_found

  • Purpose: Verify findUser retrieves existing user data.
  • Input: 'user1' (String - existing user ID).
  • Input Type: String
  • Expected Result: User data with _id equal to 'user1'.
  • Expected Output Type: Dictionary (user data).

Method: test_insertUser

  • Purpose: Verify insertUser successfully inserts new user data.
  • Input: User data with _id 'user2' (Dictionary - new user data).
  • Input Type: Dictionary
  • Expected Result: User data retrievable with findUser, _id equal to 'user2'.
  • Expected Output Type: Boolean or Dictionary (confirmation of insertion or inserted user data).

Method: test_changeLanguage

  • Purpose: Verify changeUserLanguage updates user's language preference.
  • Input: 'user1', 'Spanish' (String - user ID and new language).
  • Input Type: String, String
  • Expected Result: User data shows updated language 'Spanish'.
  • Expected Output Type: Dictionary (updated user data).

Method: test_getQuizzes_no_record

  • Purpose: Verify getQuizzes returns empty when no quizzes in the specified language.
  • Input: 'a_language' (String - no quizzes).
  • Input Type: String
  • Expected Result: Empty list.
  • Expected Output Type: Array (empty array indicating no quizzes).

Method: test_getQuizzes_has_record

  • Purpose: Verify getQuizzes retrieves quizzes in the specified language.
  • Input: 'Spanish' (String - language with quizzes).
  • Input Type: String
  • Expected Result: List with quizzes.
  • Expected Output Type: Array of JSON Objects (quiz data with properties questions, answers, etc.).

Method: test_getRandomQuiz_no_record

  • Purpose: Verify getRandomQuiz returns None when no quiz in language.
  • Input: 'a_language' (String - no quizzes).
  • Input Type: String
  • Expected Result: None.
  • Expected Output Type: None (No quiz object).

Method: test_getRandomQuiz_has_record

  • Purpose: Verify getRandomQuiz retrieves a quiz in the specified language.
  • Input: 'Spanish' (String - language with quizzes).
  • Input Type: String
  • Expected Result: Non-None quiz object.
  • Expected Output Type: JSON Object (quiz data with properties questions, answers, etc.).

Method: test_updateUserQuiz

  • Purpose: Verify updateUserQuiz updates user's quiz records.
  • Input: 'user1', quiz data with score 20 (String - user ID and Dictionary - quiz data with score).
  • Input Type: String, Dictionary
  • Expected Result: User's totalScore updated to 20.
  • Expected Output Type: Dictionary (updated user data with new totalScore).

Bot Component

Method: test_help

  • Purpose: Verify that the !help command generates the expected help message embed.
  • Input: Sending the message "!help" to the bot (String - help command message).
  • Input Type: String
  • Expected Result: An embed with title "Help command for Language Bot" and description "All commands for the bot."
  • Expected Output Type: Embed object (help message embed).

Method: test_changeLanguage

  • Purpose: Verify that the !changeLanguage command correctly changes the language and produces the expected response embed.
  • Input: Sending the message "!changeLanguage Spanish" to the bot (String - change language command message).
  • Input Type: String
  • Expected Result: An embed with title "Language changed" and description "Language set to Spanish."
  • Expected Output Type: Embed object (confirmation message embed).

Method: test_startVocabQuiz

  • Purpose: Verify that the !startVocabQuiz command initiates a vocabulary quiz with the correct title and description.
  • Input: Sending the message "!startVocabQuiz" to the bot (String - start vocab quiz command message).
  • Input Type: String
  • Expected Result: An embed with title "Vocabulary Quiz - Spanish" and description "Get ready to test your vocabulary!"
  • Expected Output Type: Embed object (quiz initiation message embed).

Method: test_myScores

  • Purpose: Verify that the !myScores command retrieves and displays the user's score correctly.
  • Input: Sending the message "!myScores" to the bot (String - my scores command message).
  • Input Type: String
  • Expected Result: An embed with title "User score" and description "Your all score."
  • Expected Output Type: Embed object (user score message embed).