LOMO is an in-person gaming app where users can find other gamers to play with in person.
It's similar to Niantic Campfire, which is a companion app developed for Niantic games meant to facilitate in-person meetups for games like Pokemon Go. The name LOMO is inspired by the term FOMO, which stands for “fear of missing out”. For those that want an in-person connection when gaming, LOMO helps gamers find each other and play together in person.
LOMO is a full-stack, mobile-first web app using ReactJS and Tailwind CSS for the frontend, Laravel Sail (dockerized version of Laravel) as the API backend, PostgreSQL as the database, and Docusaurus as the documentation site.
Setup instructions and run instructions are on the main page of this Docusaurus.
For resources and guides, check out the resources page.
Requirement Specifications:
High level overview about LOMO, how the tech stack is connected together (system block diagram), requirements, features, and use cases of the app.
Software Development Plan:
Describes the development environment and the tools needed to develop the app.
System Architecture:
High level overview of the class diagrams for frontend and backend, database diagrams, sequence diagrams for each use cases, and some inital design mockups.
API Specification:
API documentation is about how to use the backend Laravel classes and frontend React components, methods, and functions, their parameters and return values, etc. It also documents the backend API endpoints and the frontend API integration and connectivity to the backend.
Test Procedures:
Documentation for the unit tests for both the frontend and backend, integration tests, and acceptance tests.