- Create welocme page
- add a welcome message and SVG
- Create login page
- Create sign up page
- Create Dashboard page
- display upcoming events
- display friends
- display recent flashcards
- display recent quizzes
- Create Studytool page
- allow user to add a subject and topic
- allow user to edit the name or delete the topic
- allow user the search topic
- Create flashcard page
- allow user to add, edit and delete flashcards
- allow user to use AI to generate flashcards
- allow user enter the learn mode
- allow user to send comments
- allow user to mark difficulty levels
- Create quiz page
- allow user to add, edit and delete quesitons
- allow user to create another quiz
- allow user to generate question by using AI
- allow user to generate questions based on flashcards
- Create mysets page
- allow user to set study date
- allow user to share flashcards or quizzes with friends
- Create social page
- allow user to follow or unfollow other users
- allow user to check other users' profile
- Create profile page
- allow user to edit their own informations here
- Create event page
- user can view, edit or delete the upcoming events here
- Create leaderboard page
- user can see the quiz score here