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System Block Diagram

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System Overview

StudySync is a web-based application optimized for educational engagement, running in web browsers.

System Components:

  • Frontend Development:

    • Utilizes React for an engaging user interface.
    • Facilitates easy navigation and interaction.
  • Firebase Database and User Authentication:

    • Manages user data and real-time transactions.
    • Ensures user data safety and privacy.
  • Integration of ChatGPT API:

    • Processes and responds to user inputs via Firebase Cloud Functions.
    • Enhances the interactive learning experience.
  • Hosting on Google Cloud:

    • Ensures reliable performance and scalability.
    • Uses Firebase services, part of Google Cloud, for platform support.

User Journey

1. User Interaction with Browser:

  • Access the platform through a web browser.
  • Interact with the React-based interface for various educational features.

2. Frontend and Authentication:

  • Log in or sign up via the frontend that interfaces with Firebase Authentication.
  • Validates credentials and maintains secure access.

3. Frontend and Database Interaction:

  • Post-authentication, engage with study materials.
  • Frontend manages real-time data exchange with Firebase Database.

4. ChatGPT API Integration:

  • ChatGPT API interactions are managed through Firebase Cloud Functions.
  • Enables AI-based educational content and responses.

5. User Experience:

  • Interactive and user-friendly environment provided by React Frontend.
  • Offers AI-enhanced flashcard creation, quizzes, and social learning.
  • User interactions secured by Firebase services.