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Unit Test

FlashcardCom Test Suite

  1. Rendering and UI Elements

    • Test Case: Verify that the FlashcardComponent renders correctly and displays the initial UI elements.

    • Method: render()

    • Expected Result: The text 'Add Subject' should be present in the document.

  1. Fetching Subjects and Flashcards on Load

    • Test Case: Ensure that subjects and flashcards are fetched from the repository when the component loads.

    • Method: getUserSubjects(), getUserFlashcardSets(), getFlashcardSetById()

    • Expected Result: The fetched subjects and flashcards should be correctly displayed on the screen.

  1. Adding a New Subject

    • Test Case: Confirm that a new subject can be added.

    • Method: addUserSubject()

    • Expected Result: The addUserSubject method should be called with the correct parameters.

  1. Creating a New Flashcard Set

    • Test Case: Validate that a new flashcard set can be created.

    • Method: createFlashcardSet()

    • Expected Result: The createFlashcardSet method should be invoked with the specified topic details.

  1. Handling Topic Deletion

    • Test Case: Test the functionality of topic deletion.

    • Method: removeSetIdFromUser()

    • Expected Result: The removeSetIdFromUser method should be called with the correct user ID and set ID.

  1. Handling Topic Editing

    • Test Case: Ensure that topics can be edited correctly.

    • Method: updateFlashcardSetName()

    • Expected Result: The updateFlashcardSetName method should be called with the correct set ID and new topic name.

FlashcardShare Component Test Suite

  1. Rendering and UI Elements

    • Test Case: Verify that the FlashcardShare component renders correctly.

    • Method: render()

    • Expected Result: Initial UI elements of the FlashcardShare component should be displayed.

  1. Fetching Flashcards on Load

    • Test Case: Confirm that flashcards are fetched from the repository upon component load.

    • Method: getFlashcardItems()

    • Expected Result: The fetched flashcards should be correctly displayed.

FlashcardUICom Component Test Suite

  1. Rendering and Initial Display

    • Test Case: Validate that the FlashcardApp component renders and shows initial UI elements.

    • Method: render()

    • Expected Result: Initial UI elements of the FlashcardApp component should be visible.

  1. Loading Flashcards, Comments, and User Image.

    • Test Case: Ensure that flashcards, comments, and user image are loaded on initialization.

    • Method: getFlashcardItems(), getCommentsWithUserData(), getUserImageURLByUid()

    • Expected Result: Flashcards, comments, and user image should be correctly fetched and displayed.

  1. Adding a Flashcard

    • Test Case: Test the addition of a new flashcard.

    • Method: addFlashcardItem()

    • Expected Result: The addFlashcardItem method should be called with the correct set ID, term, and definition.

  1. Deleting a Flashcard

    • Test Case: Validate the deletion of a flashcard.

    • Method: deleteFlashcard()

    • Expected Result: The deleteFlashcard method should be invoked with the appropriate set ID and flashcard ID.

  1. Updating a Flashcard

    • Test Case: Confirm that a flashcard can be updated.

    • Method: updateFlashcard()

    • Expected Result: The updateFlashcard method should be called with the correct parameters.

  1. Sending a Comment

    • Test Case: Test the functionality of sending a comment.

    • Method: addComment()

    • Expected Result: The addComment method should be invoked with the correct set ID and comment details.

  1. Generating Flashcards with AI

    • Test Case: Validate the AI-based generation of flashcards.

    • Method: callYourCloudFunctionToGenerateFlashcards()

    • Expected Result: The callYourCloudFunctionToGenerateFlashcards method should be called with the specified parameters, and the generated flashcards should match the expected output.

  1. Loading and Displaying Flashcards

    • Test Case: Ensure that flashcards are loaded and displayed correctly.

    • Method: getFlashcardItems()

    • Expected Result: The flashcards should be correctly fetched and displayed as per the data provided.


Quiz List Component Test Suite

  1. Updates the Quiz Title

    • Test Case: "Updates the Quiz Title"

    • Method:

      • Renders an EditQuizDialog component with predefined props.

      • Verifies the correct rendering of the component title, text field, and buttons.

      • Simulates a user changing the text field and clicking the "Save" button.

      • Checks if the onEditQuizTitle and handleClose functions are called with the expected arguments.

  2. Fetches and Displays Quiz Titles

    • Test Case: "Fetches and Displays Quiz Titles"

    • Method:

      • Mocks the FlashcardRepo.getQuizTitleFromFlashcardSet function to resolve with predefined quiz data.

      • Renders the QuizList component and waits for asynchronous operations to complete.

      • Asserts that the component renders the fetched quiz titles by checking each title against the container.

Quiz Component Test Suite

  1. Does Not Add a Question When Input is Invalid

    • Test Case: "Does Not Add a Question When Input is Invalid"

    • Method:

      • Mocks the FlashcardRepo.addQuizQuestion to reject with an error.

      • Renders the FetchQuestions component and triggers a click on the "Add Question" button.

      • Expects that addQuizQuestion is not called.

  2. Confirms Question Deletion

    • Test Case: "Confirms Question Deletion"

    • Method:

      • Sets up mock quiz and question IDs.

      • Calls FlashcardRepo.deleteQuestion and expects it to be called with the correct arguments.

  3. Adds Owned Quiz to the User

    • Test Case: "Adds Owned Quiz to the User"

    • Method:

      • Mocks necessary functions and renders the CreateQuiz component.

      • Triggers a click on the "Create Quiz" button and waits for asynchronous operations to complete.

      • Expects that createNewQuiz and addOwnedQuizSetToUser functions are called with the correct arguments.

  4. Handles Opening and Fetches Flashcard Set Name

    • Test Case: "Handles Opening and Fetches Flashcard Set Name"

    • Method:

      • Sets up mocks for necessary functions.

      • Calls flashcardSetHandler.handleOpenGenerateAI and expects mocked functions to be called with the correct arguments.

  5. Generates Questions by Using AI Generating

    • Test Case: "Generates Questions by Using AI Generating"

    • Method:

      • Sets up mock data and mocks the function for generating flashcards using AI.

      • Calls the function and expects it to be called with the correct arguments and returns the mock data.

  6. Retrieves the Quiz Title Using Quiz ID

    • Test Case: "Retrieves the Quiz Title Using Quiz ID"

    • Method:

      • Calls FlashcardRepo.getQuizTitleFromFlashcardSet with a quiz ID and expects it to be called with the correct argument.
  7. Retrieves the Quiz ID from a Flashcard Set

    • Test Case: "Retrieves the Quiz ID from a Flashcard Set"

    • Method:

      • Calls FlashcardRepo.getQuizTitleId with quiz name and set ID and expects it to be called with the correct arguments.
  8. Retrieves the Quiz ID from a Topic Name

    • Test Case: "Retrieves the Quiz ID from a Topic Name"

    • Method:

      • Calls FlashcardRepo.getQuizIdByTopicName with a quiz name and expects it to be called with the correct argument.
  9. Creates New Quiz for a Flashcard Set

    • Test Case: "Creates New Quiz for a Flashcard Set"

    • Method:

      • Calls FlashcardRepo.createNewQuiz with a new quiz object and expects it to be called with the correct argument.
  10. Gets Flashcard Items by Status

    • Test Case: "Gets Flashcard Items by Status"

    • Method:

      • Calls FlashcardRepo.getFlashcardItemsByStatus with a status object and expects it to be called with the correct argument.
  11. Updates User Score and Adds Attempt

    • Test Case: "Updates User Score and Adds Attempt"

    • Method:

        - Calls FlashcardRepo.updateScoreAndAddAttempt with a score object and expects it to be called with the correct argument. 

MainQuizPage Component Test Suite

  1. Checking Answers

    • Test Case: Verify that the checkAnswer method updates the state with the selected answer.

    • Method: checkAnswer(index)

    • Expected Result: The state of the questions should reflect the selected answer. If the selected answer is correct, the corresponding question's userAnswer should match the correctChoice.

  1. Calculating Score

    • Test Case: Ensure that the calculateScore method correctly calculates the score after all questions have been answered.

    • Method: calculateScore()

    • Expected Result: The calculated score percentage should be displayed based on the number of correct answers.

  1. Calculating Initial Time

    • Test Case: Confirm that the calculateInitialTime method computes the initial time correctly when the component mounts based on the number of questions.

    • Method: calculateInitialTime()

    • Expected Result: The initial time displayed should be the total number of questions multiplied by the allotted time per question (in seconds).


Leaderboard Component Test Suite

  1. Fetching Users and Scores

    • Test Case: Confirm that the fetchUsersAndScores method retrieves the list of users and their scores when the component loads.

    • Method: fetchUsersAndScores()

    • Expected Result: Upon component load, the leaderboard should be populated with user data, reflecting their scores and rankings.

  1. Leaderboard Rendering

    • Test Case: Verify that the renderLeaderboard method displays the leaderboard with users ranked according to their scores.

    • Method: renderLeaderboard(data, title, key, rankKey)

    • Expected Result: Users should be listed in the order of their ranks based on scores, with UI elements showing their names and scores.

  1. Search Handling

    - Test Case: Ensure that the handleSearch method filters the leaderboard results according to the search query. 

    - Method: handleSearch(event)

    - Expected Result: As a user types into the search field, the leaderboard should update in real-time to only display users whose names match the search query.

Event Repository Test Suite

  1. CreateEvent

    • Test Case: Test creating an event.

    • Method: CreateEvent()

    • Expected Result: The event should be successfully created in the repository.

  2. CreateNewFollowerEvent

    • Test Case: Test creating a new follower event.

    • Method: CreateNewFollowerEvent()

    • Expected Result: The new follower event should be successfully created in the repository.

  3. CreateShareQuizEvent

    • Test Case: Test creating a share quiz event.

    • Method: CreateShareQuizEvent()

    • Expected Result: The share quiz event should be successfully created in the repository.

  4. CreateShareFlashCardEvent

    • Test Case: Test creating a share flashcard event.

    • Method: CreateShareFlashCardEvent()

    • Expected Result: The share flashcard event should be successfully created in the repository.

  5. CreateUpcomingEvent

    • Test Case: Test creating an upcoming event.

    • Method: CreateUpcomingEvent()

    • Expected Result: The upcoming event should be successfully created in the repository.

  6. GetEvent

    • Test Case: Test getting an event by id.

    • Method: GetEvent(eventId)

    • Expected Result: The event with the specified eventId should be retrieved from the repository.

  7. GetPastEvent

    • Test Case: Test getting an event that is in the past.

    • Method: GetPastEvent()

    • Expected Result: A past event should be retrieved from the repository.

  8. GetUpcomingEvent

    • Test Case: Test getting an upcoming event.

    • Method: GetUpcomingEvent()

    • Expected Result: An upcoming event should be retrieved from the repository.

  9. UpdateUpcomingEvent

    • Test Case: Test updating an upcoming event.

    • Method: UpdateUpcomingEvent(eventId, updatedEvent)

    • Expected Result: The upcoming event with the specified eventId should be successfully updated in the repository.

  10. MarkAsNotified

    - Test Case: Test marking a past event as notified.

    - Method: MarkAsNotified(eventId)

    - Expected Result: The specified past event should be marked as notified in the repository.

Notification Repository Test Suite

  1. getNotificationById

    • Test Case: Test getting notification by id.

    • Method: getNotificationById(notificationId)

    • Expected Result: The notification with the specified notificationId should be retrieved from the repository.

  2. addNotification

    • Test Case: Test adding a notification.

    • Method: addNotification(notification)

    • Expected Result: The notification should be successfully added to the repository.

  3. getListOfNotifications

    • Test Case: Test getting a list of notifications.

    • Method: getListOfNotifications()

    • Expected Result: A list of notifications should be retrieved from the repository.

  4. UpdateNotification

    • Test Case: Test updating a notification.

    • Method: UpdateNotification(notificationId, updatedNotification)

    • Expected Result: The notification with the specified notificationId should be successfully updated in the repository.


QuizRepository Test Suite

  1. Test whether you can fetch all quizzes

    • Test Case: Test whether you can fetch all quizzes.

    • Method: get_AllQuizzes()

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully fetch all quizzes.

  2. Handles errors when fetching all quizzes

    • Test Case: Handles errors when fetching all quizzes.

    • Method: get_AllQuizzes()

    • Expected Result: The repository should handle errors gracefully when attempting to fetch all quizzes.

  3. Tests the functionality of finding a quiz with a valid id

    • Test Case: Tests the functionality of finding a quiz with a valid id.

    • Method: get_QuizById(validQuizId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully find and return the quiz with the validQuizId.

  4. Tests the failure case of finding a quiz with an invalid id

    • Test Case: Tests the failure case of finding a quiz with an invalid id.

    • Method: get_QuizById(invalidQuizId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should handle the failure case gracefully and return an appropriate error or null when attempting to find a quiz with an invalid id.


Flashcard Repository Test Suite

  1. Test the functionality of retrieving a flashcard set by id

    • Test Case: Test the functionality of retrieving a flashcard set by id.

    • Method: getFlashcardSet(flashcardSetId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully retrieve and return the flashcard set with the specified flashcardSetId.

  2. getAll_flashcardSet

    • Test Case: Test the functionality of retrieving all flashcard sets from the database.

    • Method: getAll_flashcardSet()

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully retrieve and return all flashcard sets from the database.

  3. getFlashcardSetBy_Id

    • Test Case: Test the functionality of retrieving a flashcard set by id.

    • Method: getFlashcardSetBy_Id(flashcardSetId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully retrieve and return the flashcard set with the specified flashcardSetId.

  4. getFlashcards

    • Test Case: Tests the functionality of retrieving flashcards given a list of ids.

    • Method: getFlashcards(flashcardIds)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully retrieve and return the flashcards corresponding to the list of flashcardIds.


UserRepository Test Suite

  1. Get Item

    • Test Case: Test get user flashcards

    • Method: getUserFlashcards(userId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully retrieve and return the flashcards associated with the specified userId.

  2. Test get user quizzes

    • Test Case: Test get user quizzes

    • Method: getUserQuizzes(userId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully retrieve and return the quizzes associated with the specified userId.

  3. Test get user events

    • Test Case: Test get user events

    • Method: getUserEvents(userId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully retrieve and return the events associated with the specified userId.

  4. Test get user notifications

    • Test Case: Test get user notifications

    • Method: getUserNotifications(userId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully retrieve and return the notifications associated with the specified userId.

  5. Test get user upcoming events

    • Test Case: Test get user upcoming events

    • Method: getUserUpcomingEvents(userId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully retrieve and return the upcoming events associated with the specified userId.

  6. Getting Item by Id

    • Test Case: Followers - Test Get followers by id

    • Method: getFollowersById(userId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully retrieve and return the followers of the user with the specified userId.

  7. Test Get following by id

    • Test Case: Following - Test Get following by id

    • Method: getFollowingById(userId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully retrieve and return the users followed by the user with the specified userId.

  8. Test Get events by id

    • Test Case: Events - Test Get events by id

    • Method: getEventsById(userId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully retrieve and return the events associated with the user with the specified userId.

  9. Test Get notifications by id

    • Test Case: Notifications - Test Get notifications by id

    • Method: getNotificationsById(userId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully retrieve and return the notifications associated with the user with the specified userId.

  10. Test Get shared quizzes by id

    • Test Case: Shared Quizzes - Test Get shared quizzes by id

    • Method: getSharedQuizzesById(userId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully retrieve and return the shared quizzes associated with the user with the specified userId.

  11. Test Get owned quizzes by id

    • Test Case: Owned Quizzes - Test Get owned quizzes by id

    • Method: getOwnedQuizzesById(userId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully retrieve and return the owned quizzes associated with the user with the specified userId.

  12. Test Get upcoming events by id

    • Test Case: Upcoming Events - Test Get upcoming events by id

    • Method: getUpcomingEventsById(userId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully retrieve and return the upcoming events associated with the user with the specified userId.

  13. Adding Item by Add

    • Test Case: Followers - Test Add followers by id

    • Method: addFollowerById(userId, followerId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully add the follower (followerId) to the user with the specified userId.

  14. Following - Test Add following by id

    • Test Case: Following - Test Add following by id

    • Method: addFollowingById(userId, followingId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully add the following (followingId) to the user with the specified userId.

  15. Test Add events by id

    • Test Case: Events - Test Add events by id

    • Method: addEventById(userId, eventId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully add the event (eventId) to the user with the specified userId.

  16. Test Add notifications by id

    • Test Case: Notifications - Test Add notifications by id

    • Method: addNotificationById(userId, notificationId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully add the notification (notificationId) to the user with the specified userId.

  17. Test Add shared quizzes by id

    • Test Case: Shared Quizzes - Test Add shared quizzes by id

    • Method: addSharedQuizById(userId, quizId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully add the shared quiz (quizId) to the user with the specified userId.

  18. Test Add owned quizzes by id

    • Test Case: Owned Quizzes - Test Add owned quizzes by id

    • Method: addOwnedQuizById(userId, quizId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully add the owned quiz (quizId) to the user with the specified userId.

  19. Test Add upcoming events by id

    • Test Case: Upcoming Events - Test Add upcoming events by id

    • Method: addUpcomingEventById(userId, eventId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully add the upcoming event (eventId) to the user with the specified userId.

  20. Test should convert 24-hour time to 12-hour format

    • Test Case: Test should convert 24-hour time to 12-hour format

    • Method: convertTo12HourFormat(time)

    • Expected Result: The method should successfully convert the given 24-hour time to 12-hour format.

  21. test should return the short form of the day of the week

    • Test Case: Test should return the short form of the day of the week

    • Method: getShortDayOfWeek(dayOfWeek)

    • Expected Result: The method should successfully return the short form of the given day of the week.

  22. Test should return the abbreviated month name

    • Test Case: Test should return the abbreviated month name

    • Method: getAbbreviatedMonthName(month)

    • Expected Result: The method should successfully return the abbreviated month name for the given month.

  23. Test should return true for a future timestamp

    • Test Case: Test should return true for a future timestamp

    • Method: isFutureTimestamp(timestamp)

    • Expected Result: The method should return true if the timestamp is in the future.

  24. Test should return false for a past timestamp

- Test Case: Test should return false for a past timestamp

- Method: isFutureTimestamp(timestamp)

- Expected Result: The method should return false if the timestamp is in the past.
  1. Test Remove follower by id

    • Test Case: Follower - Test Remove follower by id

    • Method: removeFollowerById(userId, followerId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully remove the follower (followerId) from the user with the specified userId.

  2. Test Remove following by id

    • Test Case: Following - Test Remove following by id

    • Method: removeFollowingById(userId, followingId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully remove the following (followingId) from the user with the specified userId.

  3. Test Remove notifications by id

    • Test Case: Notifications - Test Remove notifications by id

    • Method: removeNotificationById(userId, notificationId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully remove the notification (notificationId) from the user with the specified userId.

  4. Test Remove upcoming events by id

    • Test Case: Upcoming Events - Test Remove upcoming events by id

    • Method: removeUpcomingEventById(userId, eventId)

    • Expected Result: The repository should successfully remove the upcoming event (eventId) from the user with the specified userId.
