Component Descriptions
This is the description page for the different components that will be involved within the project. Check on System Block Diagram for a visual guide on how these components interact with one another.
Open AI
ChatGPT API by Open AI will be used to get feedback
about the code that the users will be looking for from this application.
ChatGPT Extension
The ChatGPT extension written by timkmecl will be utilized as the base of our project. |
The language that is used in this project includes TypeScript and JavaScript(Node.js).
MySQL is a SQL database engine that will be used for the project.
We will use the database to store user data and the chat history for individual users.
Laravel is a PHP framework used to develop web applications and APIs.
We will use Laravel to connect our chatbot with our server and database utilizing the PHP language.
A component-based web development framework for designing web applications.
We will use React to construct our front end.
VS Code
VS Code will be utilized as our primary IDE.
Since the goal of our project is creating an extension for VS code,
this will be the only IDE that is going to be utilized for this particular project.