Design Mockups
The app is a mobile-first app meaning, the app's user interface and user experience is designed from the ground up as a mobile app first and then eventually scaled up for larger screens with the mobile designs as the base.
The mockups show the home page with the default map view, the list view, beacon popups, the friends list, and an alternate list view.
The homepage can be divided into 3 sections: header, map, and footer.
The header displays important navigation icons such as the user icon and the friends icon. The user icon will take the user to the user's page. And the friends icon will take the user to their friends list.
Beacons can be viewed in 2 ways: a map view and a list view displaying available beacons. The map view is the default view and displays beacons near the user. The list view can be pulled up as an overlay from the footer to show a list of beacons. Users also have the option to filter beacons by "nearby" or "recommended".
When a beacon is clicked, a popup will display important information about the beacon at a glance. When a pop up beacon is clicked, it will display a full screen beacon page with all information and a comment section.